Pet Sit Pros Offers Cat Walking Services
April 1, 2013
Pet Sit Pros – The Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Professionals has long grappled with the issue or equality between canines and felines. For the last five years, our company has offered professional pet sitting for all types of animals but only offered walking services for dogs. This hardly seems fair. Why do our furry canine friends get to go for walks, cruise the neighborhood, sniff trees and enjoy the great outdoors but not our feline friends. “This seems like one of the great inequalities of our generation and it must be rectified” stated Jay, the owner of Pet Sit Pros. Beginning April 1, 2013, Pet Sit Pros will even the playing field by taking all cats in our care for walks outside during their regularly scheduled pet sitting visits. We will also offer introductory cat walking training to our clients who wish to be able to take their kitty kids for regular walks as well. If you’d like more information about our pet sitting, dog walking or cat walking services please contact us at (888) 380-PETS or via our website at petsitpros.com.
Happy April Fool’s Day!
The Staff at Pet Sit Pros