Lets face it Halloween is around the corner and that means it’s time to think about….your pet’s costume! Think out of the box this year and don’t buy a costume, make a DIY costume for your furry friend instead. Here are our top 5 DIY costumes for your pet this season.
1) Ghost:
There is nothing more original or classic than the ghost DIY costume. This will probably take you less than 1 minute and you even have to spend a dime on this costume. Just use an old blanket and cut three whole into it and Voila!
Photo Credit: Instagram user jinwood74
2) Zombie:
Nothing has swept the nation/world like the zombie movement. Everyone loves zombie movies and shows like the “Walking Dead,” so why not dress up your pet as a zombie for Halloween. Don’t fight the trend, we are sure this DIY costume will be a crowd pleasure at a pet friendly party this Halloween.
Photo Credit: Deviant Art user LaskaWolf
3) Frozen
Forget a fairy costume, if you want to go whimsical Elsa from Frozen is the costume for your pet.
Photo Credit: Jaderbomb
4) Cerberus
As pet owners you love your pet and sometimes you might even wish you could have a clone of your dog or cat forever. Well that’s not possible yet… but a Cerberus DIY costume will allow you to have two fake clones of your pet for one night. This costume is as simple as going to the store and shopping for identical stuff animals of your pet and strapping them to opposite sides of your pet’s neck ! Easy peasy…right!
Photo Credit: Deviant Art user arania
5) Sushi:
I love sushi…you love sushi, most of us love sushi! People will appreciate your pet’s DIY sushi costume and probably invite you out for an all you can eat sushi buffet afterwards.
Photo Credit: Caturday
We hope these 5 DIY pet costume ideas will help you get a head start on your Halloween plans. Find out how Pet Sit Pros can help you with caring for your pet, call us today and find out how at